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Find out more about the ministry opportunities at BBC. We look forward to serving with you!

Sunday School

Bible Baptist provides graded Sunday School classes for every age group. We teach relevant topics in every class and the smaller class sizes give opportunities for personal growth as well as individual interaction with the teacher. All the teachers in our teens’ and children’s classes have passed background checks and are specially qualified to teach at their level.



The nursery is available for every service for children ages infant to 3 years old. Our nursery is stocked with all we will need to care for your children during the services.


2-3 Year Old Children’s Class

In our 2 & 3-Year-Old class we have a lot of fun and we learn a lot. We use A Beka Sunday School Materials with stories, memory verses, activities, and singing! With helpers to assist, all the children get special attention. Our classroom is large and well furnished, safe, and secure.


4-5 Year Old Children’s Class

Our Sunday School class has special lessons designed for the little ones’ active minds and bodies. Each lesson is carefully crafted to instruct and engage these little learners. Our curriculum is specially written to give children a biblical view of themselves and the world around them.


1st – 2nd Grade Children’s Class

We have a great time in our class together! Our time includes memory verses from God’s Word, activity pages, and an exciting lesson from the Bible to teach children to learn more about God and His plan for their lives.


3rd-6th Boys Class

This is an exciting age full of fun and inquisitive minds! We enjoy music, Bible memorization, and class interaction. It is our desire for each child to learn about the God of the Bible and His love for each of them. The curriculum we use is age appropriate, and encourages them to have a real relationship with Jesus Christ.


3rd-6th Girls Class

Welcome to our class for 3rd-6th grade girls. Each week we enjoy a fellowship time of prayer, Bible lessons, art projects, and a focus on missionaries. The goal is to increase Bible knowledge, encourage spiritual growth, and develop a heart for missions. We hope the biblical truths learned here can be applied in daily life. We hope you will join us each Sunday for an exciting time of fellowship.


7th – 12th Grade Class (High School)

The teen Sunday School class is a great opportunity for teenagers to build deeper relationships with like-minded, Christian teens. The class is a friendly, Christ-centered atmosphere. The Word of God is taught every week, and is the focal point. Teens will leave feeling welcomed and challenged. 


Faith Builders Class

This class, taught by one of our assistant pastors, is an adult class designed to strengthen people in the faith. Topics will focus around different aspects of our daily lives including personal study, life issues, family, finances, child-rearing, etc. as well as specific study through various books of the Bible. This class is a great opportunity to connect to other adults, primarily, but not limited to, attempting to raise their families for the Lord and grow in their walk with Him. 


Master Builders Class

Like the noble believers at Berea in the New Testament, the Home Builders Sunday School class is committed to searching the Scriptures diligently, seeking biblical guidance for our next step spiritually. We have a relaxed, family atmosphere where questions and comments are encouraged. Please join us as we follow the path of developing Christ-likeness through the study and application of His Word!


Open Door Class

The Open Door Class is a teaching ministry of God’s Word. The class consists of people who range in age from mid-forties and up. Our method of teaching is to study each verse of the lesson and attempt to gather the truth of God’s Word through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We also meet for social gatherings to support our need for love, encouragement, and fellowship from our Christian brothers and sisters. Through our studies, we hope to learn the principles of God’s Word that will make us more like Him!


Ladies of Faith

This ladies-only class is for single ladies of all ages. Our teacher is well-qualified with many years of teaching experience. If you are a single lady you will find this class a particular blessing as you learn Bible truths focusing on important aspects affecting your daily life.


New-Comers Class

Taught by our pastor, this quarterly five-week class gives a brief history and background of our church, and also gives a detailed explanation of why we believe the way we do. 


Ladies Bible Study

The ladies Bible Study meets every Tuesday morning at 10:00 for a special time of prayer, fellowship, and teaching from the Word of God. If you have this time free every week, you will find this study a particular blessing and have the opportunity to interact with other ladies.


Master Clubs

The Master Clubs program is our special children's program that encourages kids to have fun while learning important life lessons and most importantly the Word of God. The program is designed to help kids memorize many verses throughout the year starting with 4 year-olds up through 6th grade. Each group is designed to help children learn at least 20 verses every year. Students will earn badges and other awards they can put on their vest they wear each week.


Through attendance and continued learning, the goal is to develop Christ-like character in the hearts of the young people. Each age group has personal teachers to help with all the lessons, the Scripture memorization, and the activities. This is a great program for kids to be involved in every week. Master Clubs meets every Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:45.



Our Youth ministry is a biblically-centered group in the Bible Baptist Church made up of young people ages 12-19. Our program is designed to provide quality Bible training, while letting teens be teens in a Christian atmosphere. Pastor Joe Hembrough does a great job teaching and preaching and also providing the youth with fun activities throughout the year. Teens meet for Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 and 6:30 on Wednesday evenings for a time of prayer and Bible study. 


Activities include trips to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, the Bill Rice Ranch for camp and the Day of Champions, and other special activities. Each summer the youth group will host the "Cola Clash," a five-day event for the church and community. 


If you are looking for a place to grow spiritually and have a good time in the process, consider our Bible Baptist Youth department. 



We consider the Music program to be a vital part of our ministries here at Bible Baptist Church. God has commanded us to worship Him by “Speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:19) We offer a variety of ways in which to use the talents the Lord has given us. 


We use traditional, non-contemporary music in our services. We understand that the music issue can be very divisive and harmful to people, so we have chosen to use conservative, traditional music for our services. Our goal is to make the worship of our Lord an integral part of our time together and not a performance or a distraction in any way. Our music is not a show, or a way to display our abilities for man’s pleasure and gratification. We believe the music should preach, not just give people something to feel good about. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we sing and play so that the Lord will be pleased and not man. However, we also know that when God is pleased with our worship, “…many will see and fear, and trust in the Lord.” 


We offer childrens’ choirs through Junior church every Sunday as well as Master Clubs on Wednesday evenings. Our teen choir meets every Sunday morning and sings about every month in a service. Our adult choir sings as often as they can on Sundays as well as for special meetings throughout the year. They meet every Sunday to practice. 


If you are an instrumentalist, we have an orchestra that plays in all our services. We also have opportunities for you to play for specials. We have a wide variety of instrumental numbers in our services including solos, duets, trios, quartets, and so on. We are always looking for more musicians who would want to use their talents in the Lord’s service. 


We also offer music lessons in our Just ‘N Tune Music Academy that meets in our church building. If you are interested in learning a musical instrument including strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, harp, piano, organ, or voice, please click on the link here and you will be redirected to the page that will give you more information. 


Come see for yourself what the Lord is doing in our music ministry here at Bible Baptist Church.


Vacation Bible School

Our church has been involved in VBS for many years. Our program is not just designed to be a babysitting opportunity for parents. Our biggest goal is to see young people come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and take important steps in their walk with Him. Our program starts at 9 each morning and is done at noon each day Monday through Friday. This year our week of VBS will be June 17-21, 2024. Kids will enjoy a special theme throughout the week, with crafts, songs, games, refreshments, skits, penny offering, preaching, and much more! This event is free of charge and is for ages 4 years through 6th grade. Parents are welcome to come and watch too! Registration for this event will open in May. You don’t want to miss this special week.


H.A.R.T. Ministry

H.A.R.T. stands for “Heaven’s Ambassadors Redeeming the Time.” This ministry meets one evening each week. Participants come one night each month, or more if they wish, to reach out to the community through calls, cards, visits, and prayer-time. There is no childcare. Instead, we ask the children to color or create pictures for the shut-ins. There is something relevant that everyone, no matter the age, can do! 


Media Ministry

In our society today it is impossible to do anything in churches without the use of media. We provide many opportunities for people to be involved in media in our services whether it be the sound system, live stream, multimedia presentations, lights, cameras, etc. There is always a need to be filled which means there is something you can do. While we do not believe the church is a theater or a show, we do want to be as up-to-date in our technology as possible so we can reach everyone at their desired venue or platform. We want to be as professional as possible while still maintaining the traditional aspects of our services.


Children's Churches

We offer church for the adults, but also the kids. Services are held in the same building at the same time as the adult services, but at a level that children can enjoy and understand. Parents can choose whether they want their kids to go to children's’ church or stay with them in the service. Kids of all ages through 6th grade will learn special songs, verses, and have a lesson designed to help them in their walk with the Lord. 



Each summer we have the opportunity to take kids to a Christian camp for a week of fun, food, friends, and good preaching. Many life-changing decisions are made during weeks at camp. This year we will be taking our juniors (starting at age 8) and teens (up through age 19) to the Bill Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The Ranch has been in existence since 1953 when the first week of camp was held. Originally started as a camp to reach deaf young people, the Ranch quickly grew to include hearing campers by 1955. In 1969, the Ranch began offering camp for juniors and now hosts thousands of young people every summer from around the country. 


Throughout the week of camp, young people will have opportunities to be involved in a variety of activities including horse riding, cookouts, sports tournaments, hikes, swimming, and many other things. They will also be able to compete in their special music contest featuring piano solo, vocal solo, vocal groups, instrumental solo, and choir. Most importantly, the young people will be exposed to preaching that is powerful, Spirit-filled, and relevant to their lives. Our prayer for young people attending camp is that they come back different for the better. It truly is a life-changing week. 


For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch, please visit their website, here. If you would like to register to go with us to camp this year, please see us at a service and we will be happy to help. 


Edification Ministry

We believe that one of our important ministries here at Bible Baptist is to edify the saints through music, through preaching, through teaching, and also through special times of fellowship as a church. We have many opportunities throughout the year to get together as a church family and enjoy each others’ company and encourage one another. Our special times of edification include Fifth Sunday Fellowships, Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, Adult Banquet, Ladies Banquet, Senior Single Ladies Luncheon, Special Services, Patriotic Services, Fall Family Festival, and much more. If you would like to just come and visit sometime for one of these times, please feel welcome. Visitors are always welcome. 


We're pleased to introduce Sango Christian Academy, Clarksville’s newest Christian school!  For more information or to register, please call our phone number at (931) 999-8183 or click here. We are currently offering education for children in grades K3-5th grade.

Sunday School
Ladies Bible Study
Master Clubs
H.A.R.T. Ministry
Media Ministry
Children’s Churches
Sango Christian Academy
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3102 Prospect Circle, Clarksville, TN 37043  |  (931) 358-2493

Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday, Friday: 8am-1pm. Closed Thursday.

© Bible Baptist Church

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